Getting Started

Create and edit videos with JavaScript using ezffmpeg.

Install with npm

npm install ezffmpeg

Basic usage

const ezffmpeg = require('ezffmpeg');

const project = new ezffmpeg({
  width: 1080,
  height: 1920

async function createVideo() {
  await project.load([
      type: 'video',
      url: 'input.mp4',
      position: 0,
      end: 5
      type: 'video',
      url: 'input2.mp4',
      position: 5,
      end: 10
  await project.export({
    outputPath: 'output.mp4'



Create a new ezffmpeg instance with your desired settings.

const project = new ezffmpeg({
  width: 1920,    // Output video width
  height: 1080,   // Output video height
  fps: 30,        // Frames per second (optional)

Available options

Option Type Default Description
width number 1920 Output video width in pixels
height number 1080 Output video height in pixels
fps number 30 Frames per second

load() API

Load media elements (videos, images, audio, text) into your project.

await project.load([
    type: 'video',
    url: './assets/video.mp4',
    position: 0,
    end: 10,
    cutFrom: 2,
    type: 'audio',
    url: '',
    position: 0,
    end: 15
    type: 'text',
    text: 'Hello World',
    position: 5,
    end: 10,
    fontSize: 48,
    fontColor: 'white'

Media options

Video options

Option Type Default Description
type string required Must be 'video'
url string required Path or URL to the video file
position number required Start position in seconds in the output video
end number required End position in seconds in the output video
cutFrom number 0 Optional: Start cutting from this position in the source video
volume number 1.0 Optional: Volume level (1.0 is normal)

Audio options

Option Type Default Description
type string required Must be 'audio'
url string required Path or URL to the audio file
position number required Start position in seconds in the output video
end number required End position in seconds in the output video
volume number 1.0 Optional: Volume level (1.0 is normal)

Text options

Option Type Default Description
type string required Must be 'text'
text string required The text to display
position number required Start position in seconds in the output video
end number required End position in seconds in the output video
fontSize number 48 Optional: Font size in pixels
fontColor string 'white' Optional: Font color (CSS color name or hex)
centerX number 0 Optional:Center X position (default: centered)
centerY number 0 Optional:Center Y position (default: centered)
x number null Optional:Top left X position (default: null)
y number null Optional:Top left Y position (default: null)
fontFile string Arial Optional: Path to a custom font file (.ttf)
borderColor string null Optional: Color of the text border (CSS color name or hex)
borderWidth number 0 Optional: Width of the text border in pixels
shadowColor string null Optional: Color of the text shadow (CSS color name or hex)
shadowX number 0 Optional: Horizontal offset of the shadow in pixels
shadowY number 0 Optional: Vertical offset of the shadow in pixels
backgroundColor string null Optional: Background color for the text (CSS color name or hex)
padding number 0 Optional: Padding around the text in pixels

export() API

Export your project to a video file.

await project.export({
  outputPath: 'output.mp4',

Export options

Option Type Default Description
outputPath string required Path where the output video will be saved


Concatenate multiple videos

await project.load([
  { type: 'video', url: 'video1.mp4', position: 0, end: 5 },
  { type: 'video', url: 'video2.mp4', position: 5, end: 10 },
  { type: 'video', url: 'video3.mp4', position: 10, end: 15 }

await project.export({ outputPath: 'concatenated.mp4' });

Add text overlay

await project.load([
  { type: 'video', url: 'background.mp4', position: 0, end: 10 },
    type: 'text', 
    text: 'Hello World', 
    position: 2, 
    end: 8,
    fontSize: 64,
    fontColor: 'white'

await project.export({ outputPath: 'text_overlay.mp4' });

Add background music

await project.load([
    type: 'video', 
    url: 'video.mp4', 
    position: 0, 
    end: 30,
    // Lower the original video volume
    volume: 0.3
    type: 'audio', 
    url: 'music.mp3', 
    position: 0, 
    end: 30,
    // Set the background music volume
    volume: 0.8

await project.export({ outputPath: 'video_with_music.mp4' });

Use custom font for text

await project.load([
  { type: 'video', url: 'background.mp4', position: 0, end: 10 },
    type: 'text', 
    text: 'Custom Font Example', 
    position: 2, 
    end: 8,
    fontSize: 64,
    fontColor: 'white',
    fontFile: './assets/fonts/Montserrat-Bold.ttf'

await project.export({ outputPath: 'custom_font.mp4' });

Text with stroke

await project.load([
  { type: 'video', url: 'background.mp4', position: 0, end: 10 },
    type: 'text', 
    text: 'Stroke Text', 
    position: 2, 
    end: 8,
    fontSize: 72,
    fontColor: 'white',
    // Add a black stroke
    borderColor: 'black',
    borderWidth: 3,

await project.export({ outputPath: 'text_with_stroke.mp4' });

Text with shadow

await project.load([
  { type: 'video', url: 'background.mp4', position: 0, end: 10 },
    type: 'text', 
    text: 'Shadow Text', 
    position: 2, 
    end: 8,
    fontSize: 72,
    fontColor: 'white',
    // Add a black shadow
    shadowColor: '#000000',
    shadowX: 4,
    shadowY: 4,

await project.export({ outputPath: 'text_with_shadow.mp4' });
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